Our services

We offer a comprehensive range of tailored consulting services for entrepreneurs and businesses of all types, designed to enhance their growth and success in the ever-evolving business landscape.

Entrepreneur Services

We provide comprehensive and tailored solutions to support entrepreneurs at every stage of their projects. These services include:

  • Advisory sessions to develop and analyze ideas.

  • Roadmap creation to turn ideas into reality.

  • Feasibility studies for projects.

  • Detailed business plans to ensure successful project execution.

  • Funding solutions analysis.

  • Ongoing guidance and mentorship throughout the implementation journey.

Leading the Process of Corporate Listing in the Stock Market

We offer comprehensive support to companies seeking to list on the Saudi Stock Market. This service includes:

  • Assessing the company's readiness for listing.

  • Coordinating with financial brokerage firms, legal consulting firms, certified public accountants, and accredited evaluators.

  • Supervising the preparation of required documents.

  • Following up and coordinating throughout the listing process until completion.

Preparation of Policy and Procedure Manuals

We prepare comprehensive policy and procedure manuals by analyzing operational and administrative processes to ensure compliance with local and international standards and achieve operational efficiency.

Feasibility Studies

We prepare detailed and comprehensive feasibility studies to evaluate ideas and projects in terms of economic viability, ensuring sound investment decisions. A feasibility study includes:

  • Market analysis.

  • Technical analysis.

  • Financial analysis.